Getting Started Guide

❓What does Pocket do?

Pocket helps emerging eCommerce and omni-channel brands manage finance easily - by providing a one-stop solution for founders to auto-generate accrual based financial books and key analytics, and collaborate with CFOs on key decision making. Over 100 users at modern consumer brands use Pocket to manage their books, file taxes, and prepare financials for financing and fund raising.

🌻Explore Pocket in 2 minutes

💥What are the benefits of using Pocket vs. using an accounting service firm

Unlike the traditional accounting service firm where you are charged by hour and get siloed services, Pocket automatically ingested all your transactional data daily, and automatically categorized them to your personalized chart of accounts. Our AI Copilot then work as a virtual bookkeeper to produce your preliminary books while you are at sleep.

In addition - you get access to a real human CPA, or CFO, to answer your questions on-demand, and to review your monthly statement to ensure they are ready for external lenders and investors.

Ultimately, Pocket helps you organize your financial data and tasks, and have better clarity on your financial health.

🪜 Steps to create and review your first financial statement

  1. Connect: After sign up with Pocket, head to Connections section, and connect with your banking, commerce and other crucial financial systems for daily data ingestion.
  2. View instant dashboard, analytics, and income statement: Instantly review your dashboard, analytics, as well as your income statement after data ingestion.

🔥 Popular use cases of Pocket

For omni-channel businesses, track sales by channel

  1. Have an aggregated view of Sales by channel
  2. Track sales by DTC channels and by B2B / retail / wholesale channels separately

🛎️ Just signed a PO with a new regional or national retailer? Here's how you can track the sales of it in Pocket!

Manage chargebacks by retailer or wholesaler

  1. Record chargebacks from retailer / wholesaler using the Split function on transactions page

🛎️ Just received a retailer or wholesaler payout that is much lower than the invoiced amount? Here's how you can link the payout to an invoice and record the chargeback fee altogether!

Manage cash sales

  1. Gross up cash based sales

🛎️ For B2B customers who do not have invoice and just pay you by check or bank deposit, here's how you can gross up the cash deposit to reflect gross sales and discounts!

More use cases

🗝️ Key features you should know about

Available In
Connect with crucial systems
Connections page
View Overview dashboard
Overview page
View Financial Analytics
Analytics page
Review Income Statement
Income Statement page
Review Balance Sheet
Balance Sheet page
Reconciliation page
Review Transactions
Transactions page
View Invoice and bills
Invoices and bills page
Personalize Chart of accounts
Chart of account
Set up vendor rules
Vendor rules page
Set up cost of goods sold rules
COGS rules page
Manage plan
Manage plan page
Invite users
Manage users page
Review my account
My account page
Update a categorization
Transactions page
Match a payment to invoice(s)
Transactions page
Split a payment
Transactions page
Update vendor name
Transactions page
Enter a manual journal entry
Manual journal entry page
Edit or archive an journal entry
Transactions page under All tab
Review sales auto-journal entry
Transactions page under Sales tab
Review invoice auto-journal entry by line item
Transactions page under Invoices
Review bills auto-journal entry
Transactions page under Bills
Review bank and credit card transactions
Transactions page under bank/CC tab
Review uncategorized transactions (rarely)
Transactions page under Uncategorized tab
Review transactions under a combination of search and filter criteria
Transactions page under search and filter criteria
Enter a comment
Transactions, Income Statement, Balance Sheet
Review CPA/CFO Notes
CPA/CFO Notes button
Review all comment threads
Comments icon at the top of the page

For common FAQs about features or functionality on Pocket, visit the link here.

Still need help? Email

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