What is the process to reconcile my Inventory?
Do your physical count:
- Take a physical inventory count
- Count up the quantity of raw ingredients and finished goods (everything that you have categorized to the Inventory Asset account in Pocket) that you have on hand
- Assign the cost to each of raw materials and finished goods. (How much did it cost you?)
- Multiply the quantity (step 1) by the cost (step 2)
- You now have the total value, in terms of cost, of your inventory - we'll call this the "value per physical inventory count"
Finish categorizing your transactions in Pocket:
- Ensure that you have categorized all transactions in Pocket for all months through the month that you're performing this physical count
- For example: if you've done a physical inventory count as of 12/31/23, then make sure you have categorized all transactions in Pocket through 12/31/23.
- There should be no transactions remaining with an account that is blank
Perform the inventory adjustment in Pocket:
- Follow this guide to process an adjustment of your Inventory balance comparing the value of inventory on your balance sheet to the value per physical inventory count: How do I adjust (or reconcile) my inventory?