Case in Point: Why My Bank Transaction Data Missing

In this case, customer asked on May 28: Why my TD Bank's transaction data is missing since May 23? 

Answered by Nick from Pocket Engineer Team:

The data provider that we use to pull banking data is Plaid. Pocket is up to date with banking data feed, so we can only get data as fast as we are able to pull it from the financial institution. It seems that TD bank may be a bit delayed compared to other institutions, resulting in the feed lagging a couple of days. Pocket also ignores "pending" transactions, which typically take up to 5 business days to flip from "pending" to "posted". But in rare cases it can take up to 14 days. From Plaid's documentation:

Pending and posted transactions

There are two types of transactions: pending and posted. A transaction begins its life as a pending transaction, then becomes posted once the funds have actually been transferred. It typically takes about one to five business days for a transaction to move from pending to posted, although it can take up to fourteen days in rare situations.

In this case in particular, it looks like we have "posted" data up through 05/23/24 and "pending" data up through 05/24/24 for the TD account in question. Judging by the previous lapse in transactions, the Plaid feed for TD appears to be on about a 5ish business day lag. 

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