Scope of Service: Non-Plaid bank accounts and credit card accounts

Pocket uses Plaid to connect your bank and credit card accounts to the Pocket platform. Although most major financial institutions are integrated with Plaid, there are some financial institutions (i.e. smaller/local/regional banks/credit unions) that are not integrated with Plaid.

To optimize your experience with Pocket, we highly recommend using a bank that integrates with Plaid for your operating bank account where most of your transactions are.

As a reference you can check out Plaid's website to search for a financial institution that Plaid integrates with:

However if it is necessary for your business to bank with a financial institution that does not integrate with Plaid, please see the following for Pocket’s scope of service. 

In addition, if an account that you want to connect to Pocket (in order to load historic transactions) is currently closed then you may not be able to connect this account via Plaid. This is because Plaid requires the username and password to log into your account, but if your account is closed then your username and password may not be valid.

Basic $99 subscription

  1. One workaround is to do PDF statement importing. You can follow this guide to import your bank or credit card transactions. Please note that this does not always work and there is no guarantee that PDF importing will work. Therefore, if this does not work please upgrade to the next tier for additional support.

Essential $199 subscription

  1. One workaround is to do PDF statement importing. You can follow this guide to import your bank or credit card transactions. Please note that this does not always work and there is no guarantee that PDF importing will work. Therefore, if this does not work please see #2
  2. Pocket CPA team will book 1 monthly manual journal entry for net difference between the ending balance on the bank or credit card statement and the ending balance of this account on the balance sheet as of that statement month end. 
    • Please note that this workaround results in your various transactions of cash inflows and outflows not being mapped individually to an account in your chart of accounts. Instead, simply the net difference between the statement balance and balance sheet balance is categorized. If the net difference is negative, it will be booked as General Business Expenses, or if the net difference is positive, it will be booked as Sales of Product Income - Invoices & Cash. For credit cards, either positive or negative differences will be booked to General Business Expenses.

Strategic $499 subscription

  1. same as Essential $199 subscription
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