How to Categorize Transactions in Pocket: A Use Case Guide

This article will guide you through the process of editing categorization of transactions.

1. Finding and Editing Transactions

To get started, navigate to the 'Transactions' section. Use the date or use filters such as chart of accounts or vendor name etc. to locate the specific transaction you want to edit. Once located, you can change the "chart of accounts" by simply typing or selecting the appropriate option. Pocket will then prompt you with a message asking if you want to "apply all". This means Pocket is asking if you want to apply this rule to all past transactions with the same vendor name. If you want to apply this rule, click "save". If not, click "cancel".

2. Creating Vendor-Specific Rules

Pocket allows you to create or update a rule under the 'Vendor Rule' page if a certain rule applies to all transactions by a particular vendor or keyword. To do this, select the vendor name and set up the chart of accounts that all transactions by this vendor should be categorized under. Then, click "apply to all" to retroactively update all transactions.

3. Case-by-Case Categorization

If you don't want to apply a rule to all transactions of a specific vendor, you can update the categorization of only that transaction or do it on a transaction-by-transaction basis. This is especially useful for vendors like Intuit, which you might use for different payments that should be categorized under different charts of accounts.

4. When in Doubt, Comment

If you're ever unsure about a categorization, don't hesitate to add comments next to the transaction. The Pocket Support team is always ready to assist you.

Remember, Pocket is designed to simplify financial management. Use these steps to streamline your transaction categorization process and make the most out of your Pocket experience.

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